How to run MOOSE2

Building the software.

MOOSE2 is written in C++ and compiles and runs on Linux and MacOS X and requires the gcc compiler. On the Mac, you will need to install XCode on later OS version to get gcc.

On the command line, type

> make

to build the executables. To test whether the build was successful, run

> ./test_it

to run the software on data that comes with the repository. Note any errors.

Input files/summary

MOOSE2 requires two files:

1. Expression values: these can either be raw read counts or normalized data, listed in a single file, one line per gene or transcript, e.g.:

Gene            ex1      ex2    ex3     ex7     ex9     ex8     ex4     ex5     ex6
abgT.t01        49.6757 48.1321 34.522  33.4765 40.3088 49.9477 40.4558 53.1916 42.0341 1527
abrB.t01        51.072  47.2778 29.0407 30.6346 33.9294 36.2579 39.7088 45.3439 42.7197 1047

Where the first line serves as a header naming the samples. If possible, also provide the transcript length in one of the columns, e.g. the last one. Columns listing expression values have to be contiguous.

2. Replicate description: this is an optional text file that specifies which samples are replicates, one line per replicate, preceded by an experiment name, e.g:

healthy   ex1 ex2 ex3
sick      ex7 ex8 ex9
recovered ex4 ex5 ex6

Additional/optional files are: a set of known reference gene (one entry per line).

Running the program

On the command line, type

./Normalize -r <replicates> -i <fpkm_data> -f <first column containing fpkm data> -l <last column containing fpkm data> -w <list of reference genes> -col <length column> -a <average read or fragment count over all samples>

IMPORTANT: If using read counts instead of FPKM/RPKM values, add the option -counts.

************** NOTE: column indices are 0-based!! ****************

with the available arguments:

-i<string> : input file (all expression values)
-r<string> : replicates file (def=, one line per experiment, name followed by sample ids)
-counts<bool> : process read COUNTS, not FPKMs (def=0)
-a<string> : average read counts per sample (def=0, needed for correcting significance for lowly expressed trsnacripts)
-col<string> : column that specifies the transcript length (def=0, needed if RPKM/FPKM values are specified to estimate counts)
-w<string> : waypoint gene file (def=, one gene per line)
-f<string> : first column with data (0-based) (def=1)
-l<string> : last column with data (0-based) (def=0)
-p<string> : penalty for HMM (decrease to get more genes) (def=) /* this is the HMM parameter h, which defaults to 5. */
-rw<string> : reward to pick up genes (def=) /* this is the HMM parameter m, which defaults to 4. */
-linear<bool> : uses a linear model (def=0)
-force<bool> : forces a polynomial fit (not recommended) (def=0)

The parameter -i specifies the input matrix with (a) a header providing the sample description; (b) a row per gene or isoform specifying either read or pair counts, or FPKM/RPKM normalized values, where the first element specifies the gene name or identifier.

Data can be provided in any consecutive set of columns, which need to be specified via the -f (first column containing expression values) and -l (last column containing expression values) parameters, e.g. a file with 9 samples, in columns 1 through 9:

gene              BB9 BB10 BB17 BB19 BB20 BB21 BB11 BB12 BB18 average
aaeA.t01        45.6132 57.7381 35.4817 71.4413 75.5846 59.6099 93.7032 78.2685 75.4577 933     65.8776
aaeB.t01        48.4527 42.2968 41.1391 44.0555 47.6292 51.5953 56.3065 69.1718 58.5695 1968    51.024

is provided via -f 1 -l 9. If the transcript or gene lengths is part of this file, optionally specify via the -col option (this is for QA only, as are the -counts and -a options).

A replicate file, which is required for QA only, can be specified in the format:

condition1 sampleA sampleB sampleC
condition2 sampleD sampleE
where each line specifies one condition, followed by the samples obtained from that condition.

A waypoint file containing confirmed invariant genes can be provided via the -w option as a file containing one gene name per line. Note that the gene names have to match exactly the names or ids in the data file. 

For an example, see the script ./test_it that comes with the repository.

Output files.

MOOSE2 produces several output files:

1. hmm_out: the set of genes assumed to be invariant in expression.

2. normalized.out: the normalized expression values

3. distribution.txt: the distribution parameters and values or within replicate comparisons for quality assurance purposes

Controlling the number of in silico invariant genes.

The number of invariant gene predictions depends on a number of factors, including the number of samples, number of genes etc. To increase the number of genes, increase the HMM reward m (-p option, default=5) and/or decrease the HMM penalty h (-rw option, default=4). In the example data, the default setting produce 33 predictions, -m 6 -h 3 results in 53 predictions etc.

Quality assessment (optional)

For quality assessment, the file distribution.txt contains both the observed distribution, as well as the fitted model. If you visualize both (note that the first line in the file contains the parameters, the rest lists: position, observed, fitted), you should see a distribution like this one (red = observed, black = model):


where both follow each other very closely. A discrepancy might be indicative of an experimental problem.