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Basic statistics

SMRT cell # reads Average length Median length Total length N50
TOTAL: 718877 10961.426229 9827 7879917203.000000 16574
>@m140928_062819_ethan 16095 10895.891519 9773 175369374.000000 16651
>@m140928_104939_ethan 11353 11388.818110 10389 129297252.000000 17103
>@m140928_151111_ethan 22222 11002.691567 9730 244501812.000000 16917
>@m140928_184123_42139 28793 11502.865349 10729 331202002.000000 16773
>@m140928_191128_sidney 16849 10812.261024 10009 182175786.000000 16241
>@m140928_192713_ethan 23041 10709.510395 9299 246757829.000000 16576
>@m140928_230547_42139 44396 11495.583386 10662 510357920.000000 16811
>@m140928_233028_sidney 16689 10921.573611 9953 182270142.000000 16579
>@m140928_234420_ethan 19699 9391.088583 7213 184995054.000000 16793
>@m140929_033247_42139 47853 11690.762376 11032 559438052.000000 16882
>@m140929_034941_sidney 30959 11128.013017 10252 344512155.000000 16708
>@m140929_040333_ethan 31898 10526.970594 8952 335789308.000000 16374
>@m140929_075857_42139 63844 11531.899301 10648 736242579.000000 16734
>@m140929_080908_sidney 17438 10904.711263 9873 190156355.000000 16599
>@m140929_082928_ethan 27719 10724.721202 9261 297278547.000000 16571
>@m140929_122654_42139 61101 11243.360534 10297 686980572.000000 16494
>@m140929_122826_sidney 45121 10660.466235 9340 481010897.000000 16533
>@m140929_124838_ethan 45076 10443.405693 8954 470746955.000000 16188
>@m140929_164720_sidney 37106 11010.982375 9928 408573512.000000 16660
>@m140929_211052_sidney 55384 10709.543081 9542 593137334.000000 16236
>@m140930_013011_sidney 56240 10474.960900 9242 589111801.000000 16140

Cycle statistics

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20+
463625 107615 9993 897 128 56 50 39 26 34 31 33 20 15 9 11 9 5 11 66

Figures and graphs

Size distribution of reads
Subread length distribution
Size distribution of reads
Polymerase read length distribution
GC content of reads
Read GC content
GC content in 1kb windows
GC content in 1kb windows
GC content vs. length
GC content vs. length

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the graph.